In our last blog we discussed why some scientists believe there is dark matter – matter which can not be seen using the electro-magnetic spectrum. Others, which may now be the majority, think we simply have underestimated the mass of the matter we can see.

What is the heliocentric model of the universe?

First, let’s admit that science is not decided by majority vote. If it were, Copernicus and his theories of the solar system, see an example above, would have never seen the light of day. Yet now we launch rockets to other planets based upon his observations – and they arrive, retrieve data, and land.

I do not presume to be an expert in astrophysics, (although I have friends who are rocket scientists and astronomers), but will simply assume that dark matter exists for the purposes of the Core Empire series. What does this mean for Hugh Cascade, Maeve uch Robert, and the others in this galaxy 1500 years in the future?

First, we posit – pretend in non-scientific terms – that there is what has been called a ‘god-particle’ or preon. This would be the underpinning of all matter. If there is a preon, then, like all other matter, there is a negative or anti-preon. Dark matter may therefore be based upon anti-preons. 

BTW, there is no anti-gravity to balance out gravity. Even trying to figure something like that out makes my head hurt, although anti-preon drive might, in reality, be the generation of anti-gravity. We know there is a massive gravity effect, however, and it is associated with what we presume to be dark matter.

Back to where we took the detour. Preon-quark interactions are possible through a Bowdoin-Metzinger simultaneity shift – posited about 2750 and demonstrated 2881 by Franz Bowdoin and Heidi Metzinger. The shift binds quarks in an object to anti-preons in corresponding dark space. This allows use of dark gravitonic waves. Because there is four times the amount of dark matter and energy as sidereal matter and energy, dark gravitonic waves are sixteen times as strong and allow a ship to reach greater relativistic speeds. The maximum benefit is only available outside the dense galactic arms, and more so in intergalactic space. Regardless, it is beneficial even within the arms, allowing ships to reach relative speeds several times that of gravitonic drive. 

Stealth ships like the Ambrose B move at 3 parsecs/day or more, but hide their back trail by troughing. Instead of hopping from crest to crest they pop into the trough, riding the slope down, in essence.

The manufacturing specifications which differentiate preon/quark from gravitonic ships are military secrets held by the Jacksonian Empire.

This is my theory. 

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