Not a swear word

Colonization required hard work, a willingness to sacrifice and build for the future and a belief that it would be possible. This winnowing of Earth and later the older colonies had a distinct impact on the philosophical outlooks of the younger worlds and the major players in the League. See below.

In 2125 Earth had established a League of Humanity in order to “provide support” to the colonies, but in reality to control and tax them. Until 2150, see above, there was abundant technical support including dealing with the Huldong Plague of 2042. Despite the support agencies, the net was a vast transfer of wealth to Earth, especially as time between Earth and the farther colonies exceeded an average of six months one way. Further, by this point the combined pollution of the 10 nearest colonies began to approach that of Earth. As the balance of influence shifted the League became something of a real democracy by about 2180. Taxes now remained in many of the colony worlds, and the bulk not leaving administrative sectors, which caused Earth’s economy to slump dangerously. Many fine universities were established on worlds throughout the galaxy and many regional trading and financial institutions appeared on major worlds closer to the needs of the majority of humanity. As a result, Earth’s population contracted substantially as people seeking opportunity migrated to what were now considered civilized worlds.

This pulsing expansion left many behind on Earth as well as the older colonies who were becoming equally risk averse and self-absorbed. A substantial minority became obsessed with extending their life spans, even immortality, to be lived in comfort. The Society for Advancing Lifespans was created to reach that end. Its main deliberative and scientific body, the Quadrant Advisory Board for Advancing Lifespans, transferred to Cradle in 2386.


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