Current time is 1000 yrs after fall of League of Humanity. Constantine Jackson,
one of the former Quadrant Lords of the League was a founder. He and Evie Jones
were the rulers of Green Gardens, a planet relatively close to Earth. They had three
sons fight in the losing battle to save earth. Only Dave survived. He helped found the
empire and became the second emperor.

Two hundred years ago the QABAL, the group which brought about the fall of the
League in their attempt to take control, invaded the Empire, overrunning most of it.
Charles Roland became emperor and reestablished the Empire, but with a smaller
group of planets and a much curtailed set of civil liberties. He was the only heir to take
the Emergency Test and survive much less pass.
At its height before the QABAL invasion, the Empire consisted of approximately
2000 star clusters divided into sectors of about 100 each. It had been gradually
contracting for several hundred years before the invasion. The sectors were each
presided over by a Lord and a sector parliament for civil government. The planets each
selected a representative to the sector council which then selected the Sector Lord. The
Sector Admiral is chosen by the emperor. The powers of the emperor are limited to
external matters, that is diplomacy, trade and defense. Commerce between the sectors
and maintaining peace within the Empire fall into that responsibility. All other internal
matters are left to the individual sectors and planets. Funding the Empire is a one
percent tax on Gross Planetary Product.

The Capitol Planet is Beacon circling Centrum GY. The capitol city is Faith.

The next to last emperor was Esau Manuel who replaced Benjamin, a despotic
emperor who sired multiple illegitimate children and ignored much of the law.
Cyrus was the last emperor before the Civil War. His empress was Sythia
Terrance. Several years before the coup she and his children were killed while on a visit
to her home sector by pirates. This essentially broke his spirit. Huge Cascade is a
nephew of Sythia, his mother being her sister.
Average sector size – 23.5 million cubic parsecs. A majority of the life sustaining
stars are found around the fringes. Exceptions include Beacon and Keep Off The Grass
which are located in unusual bubbles generally free of stars deep inside the core.
Sectors contain numerous inhabited planets. Sectors run from the edges of the
arms and across the central bar. The center cluster is 1,000 light years (kly) thick and
approximately 500 ly wide by 5 kly long surrounded by a thick halo of dust.
Spinning out from the bar are the major arms Perseus and Carina-Sagittarius.
Between these arms are the Norma & Outer and Scutum-Centaurus arms. Earth is part
of the minor arm Orion-Cygnus. Because the arms are not perpendicular to the center,
but swept back it is often fastest to travel between arms where greater speeds can be
realized due to fewer navigational hazards.
On average there are 3,000,000 stars for each inhabited planet, however they
are not evenly distributed. Nearer the core where there are more old stars where
inhabitable planets are rarer. Farther out, there are few habitable planets in star
nurseries also.

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