In organizing the universe Hugh and Maeve live in, the centrality of the imperial navy becomes paramount. In order to make things consistent, I needed to access the imperial archives to provide the following which is marked Confidential. Hopefully no one turns me in to Jack Smith for violation of secrecy requirements.

Crew of 2643:

(Task force or group staff listed first)

Flag officer

2 Aide officer

3 enlisted aides

Chief of staff

2 Enlisted aide


Admin officer

CPO Admin

12 clerks

Ops officer

6 Ass’t ops officers 

CPO ops

24 ops techs

Intel officer

2 Ass’t intel ops

CPO intel

6 intel techs


2 ass’t EWO


6 EW techs

Astrogation/navigation officer

CPO astrogation/navigation

3 astrogation/navigation techs

Supply officer

CPO Supply 

Ass’t Supply General

CPO General supply

Ass’t Supply Ammo

CPO Ammo supply

Ass’t Supply Life Support

CPO Life Support supply

Ass’t Supply Food and consumables

CPO Food and consumables

Ass’t Supply Repair

CPO Repair supply

Ass’t Supply Engineering

CPO Engineering supply

Ass’t Supply Fuel

CPO Fuel supply

Ass’t Supply Capital Ship

CPO Capital ship supply

Ass’t Shield Supply

CPO shields

18 supply techs

Judge Advocate General

Ass’t JAG/prosecution

Ass’t JAG/Defense

4 Ass’t JAG


10 JAG tech


3 CPO chaplain

Civil Affairs Officer

4 Ass’t CAO

12 CA techs

(ship’s company)

Flag Captain


Ops officer

4 Ass’t ops officer

9 CPO Ops

36 techs


2 Ass’t chaplain

4 enlisted ass’ts

Yeoman CPO

8 clerks

Master-at-arms Warrant officer

8 CPO asst masters-at-arms

30 ass’ts

Astrogation/navigation officer

Ass’t Astrogation/navigation officer

6 Astrogation/navigation techs


5 co-pilots


10 ass’ts

Tactical officer

3 Ass’t tac officer

3 CPO tactical

24 ass’ts

Intel officer

Ass’t intel

CPO intel

5 Ass’t intel tech

Electronics warfare officer

3 Ass’t EWO


24 EW techs

Com officer

2 Ass’t com officer

6 CPO Com

36 techs

Engineering officer

12 Ass’t engineers

12 CPO engineering

45 engineering techs

Missile officer

10 Ass’t missile officers

40 CPO missile

240 missile techs

Laser pod officer

3 Ass’t laser pod officer

30 CPO laser pods

240 laser pod gunners/techs

Gunnery pod officer

Ass’t gunnery pod officer

10 CPO gunnery pods

80 gunnery pod techs

Kinetic Bombardment Officer


12 KB techs

Medical officer

6 Ass’t Medical officer

15 medics

Anti-missile officer

5 Ass’t anti-missile officer

15 PO anti-missile

100 Anti-missile techs

Supply/food prep officer

3 Ass’t food prep officer

6 CPO Food

30 Food techs

Ass’t supply officer

CPO Supply

24 general supply

45 ammo supply

30 fuels and engines supply

Maintenance officer

6 Ass’t maintenance officer

9 CPO maintenance

24 Electronics

24 communications maintenance techs

32 General

16 Metal

16 Volatiles

Shield officer

Ass’t Shields officer

6 CPO Shields

40 Shield techs

Life Support officer

4 Ass’t life support officer

6 CPO life support

25 Life support techs

6 CPO hydroponics

48 hydroponics techs

Armorer officer

4 Armorer CPO

12 ass’t armorers

Marine battalion commander

Marine battalion Exec

Marine Battalion Ops

Marine Battalion Intel

Marine Battalion Supply

Marine Battalion Adjutant

Battalion Sergeant Major

6 Marine Battalion Staff Officers

50 Marine Battalion staff enlisted  

5 Marine Company commander

21 Marine company officer

20 Platoon NCO

700 marines

6 Shuttle crews (42)

Space group officer

Asst space group officer

3 Small craft officer

3 CPO small craft

3 Small craft maintenance officer

6 CPO maintenance crew chiefs

54 small craft techs

Max speed 1 parsec per hour in non-densely populated space and systems, can accelerate to 100 parsecs per day outside galactic arms

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