Growing Hydroponics & Food In Space | Garden Culture Magazine

Credit Country Garden magazine for image of hydroponics facility. Onboard facilities would be similar in ships with internal gravity.

Crew of 220:



Yeoman PO

2 clerks


3 ass’ts

Astrogation/navigation officer

3 ass’ts


2 co-pilots


2 ass’ts

Tactical officer

Ass’t tac officer

6 ass’ts

Intel officer

Ass’t intel tech

Electronics warfare officer

3 EWO techs

Com officer

3 techs

Engineering officer

Ass’t engineer

2 CPO engineering

10 engineering techs

Missile officer

Ass’t missile officer

6 CPO missile

24 missile techs

Laser pod officer

CPO laser pods

18 laser pod gunners/techs

Gunnery pod officer

CPO gunnery pods

12 gunnery pod techs

Medical officer

2 medics

Anti-missile officer

PO anti-missile

15 Anti-missile techs

Supply/food prep officer

12 Food techs

5 general supply

5 ammo supply

5 fuels and engines supply

Maintenance officer

CPO maintenance

4 Electronics

6 communications maintenance techs

4 General

2 Metal

2 Volatiles

CPO shields

4 shield techs

Life Support officer

CPO life support

18 life support techs

Armorer CPO

2 ass’t armorers

Marine NCO

9 marines


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