No standard naming convention
Virgin Galactic Spaceship Two is smaller than a corvette from 3500, fifteen hundred years in the future because it has a smaller crew, no long term life support or weapons.
450 feet long, dual purpose atmosphere/space. Extendable delta wing. 60 feet tall, 200 wide wingtip to wing tip and 75 feet wide in body only. 1/2 of ship engines and fuel. 3 decks.
3 gun pods
6 anti-missile pods
2 missile bays, top and belly.
Generally as fast as stealth ship all out. Preon except in some older models which are dual.
3 parsec/hour in crowded star neighborhoods. 110 parsecs/day for two weeks max. 600 parsecs/day outside galactic arms. 1000 parsecs/ day reduces range to two day’s independent operations.
Archeon C com.
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