The beauties of nature are amazing. They’re also not all warm and fuzzy. A large group of people today want to return the world to a state of nature by: 

Doing away with the power grid which supports our cities and life styles wherever we live;

Removing cars, trucks and ships which supply the necessities on which we live; 

Stop all mining; 

Stop large scale agriculture; and

Fantasizing about what life in nature is like to justify the rest.

My two books which will be coming out are based upon the opposing points of view involved. Just to avoid accusations of being a shill for industry (as if it were possible to avoid that accusation), let me say I have my Eagle Scout award from Boy Scouts of America and spent thirty years as an adult scout leader. I have been out there, in other words. 

The background of much of what is in the book, including the actual incidents described in some places, will be included.


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