One of the hallmarks of our time is that people have plenty of time to think dumb things. For instance, the human body has 50 to 100 trillion cells. In each cell there is DNA that controls all functions. This is basic biology. So far, no one is disagreeing with me.

Now the tricky part. Every set of DNA, well the vast majority, have either XX or XY chromosomes. Those that don’t, well the body mostly is dead, very few people have XXY or XXX chromosomes or other strange mutations and live. Those XX and XY chromosomes control many body functions, creating the traits that make males and females different. Short answer as to whether we can change boys to girls or vice-a-versa, we would have to change every single one of those trillions of cells for that to happen. A few external snips won’t do it.

What about drug modification? The British have studied this extensively as well as other European nations and they show generally bad things result when you stuff puberty blockers in people and then give them the other sex’s hormones. There is NO research showing the opposite. Even the major groups pushing gender transition show bad results, but they don’t trumpet their research because of their beliefs.

We’ll look at another dumb thing next week.


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