Nanites or Nanorobots

No one knows what nanites look like since they don’t exist yet. They will be extremely small, however. Think invisible to the naked eye.

Above is an illustration courtesy of Wikipedia which I have contributed to in the past. No attribution is linked to this image, so I believe we can use it. Upon notice, the image will be removed if it is subject to copyright.

Now that we have gotten past the legal disclaimer, we can get on with speculation. In the Core Empire series, nanites are impregnated on the gems of the Test of Heirs to support, try and kill (if necessary) the heirs seeking the throne of the Core Empire. There are seven sets that focus on each of the virtues – Protection, Judgment, Justice, Sacrifice, Integrity, Virtue and To the Death (unwavering dedication). 

These nanites are self-replicating and spread throughout the system of the heir after he or she touches each gem.

What they are not: mind readers.

What they can do:

1) repair moderate to severe body damage

2) act as simple lie detectors by measuring stress levels as a subject is confronted with situations that focus on the various virtues.

3) turn off the body functions of a person who fails the stress test.

In Lost Heir, we read about nanites being used to replace medicine on a world. The only problem is that external messages could tell the nanites to kill a host who had irritated the authorities. Nanites can be a two edged sword.

As you read the series, keep this in mind. Nanites cannot replace judgement or conscience. There were good emperors, Esau Emanuel, and bad, Benjamin. 

In this life, we make our own choices and determine what is good and bad for ourselves. This does not make our choices objectively correct, because truth is independent in its sphere. (Try walking off a cliff and denying gravity exists. Your choice will be correct up until the moment you hit bottom.) 

Eventually the ultimate judgment day will arrive when the perfect person, who actually does know the thoughts and intents of our hearts, arrives.



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