Two points that need to be made which I did not include on the supernova and nova manning blogs. First, a ship operates twenty-four hours per day during deployment. There are no holidays or weekends when no functions must be covered. For instance, can you go twenty-four hours without breathing? All operations must be manned and watched by someone.

Second, every crew member has a number of duties, most of them critical to the functioning of the ship. Remember this when reading book three which will be coming out soon.

Crew of 498.



Ops officer

Ass’t ops officer


6 techs

Yeoman PO

4 clerks



Master-at-arms Warrant officer

2 CPO asst masters-at-arms

10 ass’ts

Astrogation/navigation officer

Ass’t Astrogation/navigation officer

6 Astrogation/navigation techs


2 co-pilots


2 ass’ts

Tactical officer

Ass’t tac officer

CPO tactical

9 ass’ts

Intel officer

2 Ass’t intel tech

Electronics warfare officer

Ass’t EWO


6 EW techs

Com officer


6 techs

Engineering officer

2 Ass’t engineers

3 CPO engineering

15 engineering techs

Missile officer

2 Ass’t missile officers

10 CPO missile

40 missile techs

Laser pod officer

3 CPO laser pods

36 laser pod gunners/techs

Gunnery pod officer

3 CPO gunnery pods

24 gunnery pod techs

Kinetic Bombardment Officer


4 KB techs

Medical officer

Ass’t Medical officer

6 medics

Anti-missile officer

3 PO anti-missile

40 Anti-missile techs

Supply/food prep officer

CPO Food

20 Food techs

CPO Supply

8 general supply

15 ammo supply

10 fuels and engines supply

Maintenance officer

2 CPO maintenance

8 Electronics

12 communications maintenance techs

8 General

4 Metal

4 Volatiles

Shield officer

2 CPO shield

8 shield techs

Life Support officer

1 CPO life support

10 Life support techs

3 CPO hydroponics

24 hydroponics techs

Armorer officer

2 Armorer CPO

6 ass’t armorers

Marine officer

Platoon NCO

40 marines

2 Shuttle crews (14)

Small craft officer

CPO small craft

Small craft maintenance officer

2 CPO maintenance crew chiefs

18 small craft techs

Carries platoon of marines with heavy armor for one squad. These 42 men and women all have various ship board certifications to supplement the naval ratings, petty officers and officers

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